Thursday, September 3, 2009

Five Star Customer Service

Today is the day, today I become a Pequot Indian.

Okay, so I am lying I can't become an Indian, YET, but I am becoming a dealer at Foxwoods.

Two days of orientation in the books and now it is time to start pitching some cards and causing some bad beats with my mind.

Orientation was long, but surprisingly entertaining. We went into the history of the Pequots from when the "white men" came to present. Funny, this was my first time listening to significant American history tales in the view of the Indians. I was into it.

We really crammed hard into customer service, which is cool by me. We have these 10 steps we must always follow, when it comes to customer service, and they seem pretty logical but if it was written down it's because some just don't follow it. Our instructor, Glenn, may have been one of the more enthusiastic, but in an intelligent and insightful way, teacher's I have seen for this type of deal. He really sold the material well and had every attentive... or so I think.

Second day of orientation took place with one of the poker room managers, Jo Ann. Wow, I am going to love working for her... she is an incredibly nice lady and very thoughtful.

We went over some basics and got some boring paperwork signed.

At the end of he day we took a test on hazardous chemical and materials. Holy cow, I wanted to take a pen and stab my neck with it. If you can't wash your hands without getting the soap in your eye than don't be alive. Most of it was going on proper precautions and how to find the proper steps to take in case you get in contact with hazardous material.

On my way out got my uniform, which I am going to have to get adjusted to, because I think it makes me look like a communist soldier.

And then got my schedule, I work 4 straight days and then a couple of days off. I am happy about that.

I hope my paycheck is nice and fat, as I don't want to be living in a hotel room any longer.

Alright poker dealing here I come... oh how I've missed you.


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